How not to look like a "aunt" in the office

It is difficult to understand the intricacies of the business style, but you need to remember a few important rules and then achieving the balance between the current trends and the severity of the rules of the dress code will become possible.
Breakd with severity threatens thrown out for years and a look without an age “aunt”, and the other extreme - extravagant outfits threatens with reprimands from the chef.
Abandon shapeless costumes
Such costumes can be distinguished not only by the cut, which hides the figure, but also by the “clicks” of the polyester. They are contraindicated to absolutely everyone! Regardless of the figure and age, they will make a “aunt” even from the most skilled girl.
It is easy to replace them, for example, by choosing a suit with an elongated blazer, wide pants on the floor, cululo trousers or a vest.
Add colors
The stereotype strictly dress code with a white top and black bottom is whining. Dilute the black and white wardrobe with colored things. Do not overdo it, bright things of acid flowers are not for work. But pastel or noble shades of gray are suitable. Such an image will be beautiful and stylish.
Shoes are able to revive any image, create a business image. You can remove the heels, having previously re -read the employment contract, suddenly there is a item that obliges you to wear heels. Change them to more comfortable boats or loafers. And for the most daring - white sneakers that can complement trouser suits.
Pantyhose "under the tan"
Get rid of them urgently if you have not managed to do it so far. This is a bad taste to wear tights in such shades.
Stretched knitwear
“Sweater” is not a blouse or a shirt, pulver or sweatshirt! It is the “jacket” - a stretched but favorite thing, usually in the spools and washed. Throw them out of your wardrobe. All! Instead of a few similar things, get a couple of expensive and good things that will become the basis for the office image.
Neat appearance
A successful employee is difficult to become in rumpled and stretched clothes. The authorities are looking at the appearance of employees, even if it seems to you not noticeable.
Makeup and hairstyle
No need to build complex structures on the head, neatly laid hair and neutral makeup - the key to success. Leave the "combat painting" to another case.
Remember the Soviet tales and the famous “Baby on the Teapetor”. Do you want to look too? Then forget about ruffles and lace. Это же касается страз, которые уже давно вышли из моды.
Многие девушки стараются придать своему виду солидности, используя украшения. Например, нить жемчуга, которая сразу добавляет десяток лет своей обладательнице. Не нужно примерять на себя украшения для «солидных теток», они должны соответствовать твоему возрасту. Please note that the minimum amount you can bet for withdrawal on the platform , is 150 euros. Be sure to check your email, as it usually receives a reply from the payment department.
